Truly, life is a complete package of wonderful surprises, painful sorrows, cryptic relations, money, desire to do something, dreams and so on…..One can keep thinking about everyday problems he/she has. There is no end to the list of problems one has to face in this life. In some cases, problems get carried forward to the next generation even after end of the life. Yes, you do the DNA analysis and one knows what are the problems which he/she is going to inherit. We keep on dreaming about so many things. Everyone wants to live the life full size. Everyone wants to do so many things or rather achieve so many things in their lives. But somewhere something always goes wrong. One cannot understand why people behave strangely. Yes, things go wrong all the time. Your closed friend become your biggest enemy. People on whom you think you can rely all the time, become strangers at times and behave differently. Yes, it hurts when you are betrayed. It hurts when you are hit by the person who brought you up. It hurts when you are trying your best but you get blamed for somebody else. The question I have is why do people behave so strangely? We call few people as relatives who you are related to you by blood in some ways or other. In the form of relatives, one should have solid backing and solid platform to rely on. But what do we see these days? Are we meeting our relatives in the functions only just to say hi and bye. Aren’t we missing something as far as Indian traditional culture is concerned? When will we stop leg pulling attitude especially when one has the desire (and probably capabilities as well) to touch the sky. Why don’t we leave that person to achieve what he wants to achieve? Why don’t we support him by not hurting or not disturbing that person.
Why do people just give up when they think about emotions? Why should one sacrifice his/her future because he/she has to perform some duties/ emotional bindings? Why do people blackmail emotionally? Why does everything revolve around money? Can’t anybody see the purity of heart and mind is more important than money? I guess that I could answer these questions.
But one thing is clear…life will be always like this. One has to be a fighter and fight till the end. Never give up…